What is Offline?
Offline is a curated members community for the top 10% Indian tech founders and CEOs. We’re building a highly engaged tribe of new-age founders who are always pushing beyond the normal. Our aim is to provide our members with a safe space that stimulates/encourages genuine connection, support and camaraderie with those who are on the same daunting journey.
What is the eligibility criteria for a membership at Offline?
Our membership is designed for Founders and CEOs of startups that meet at least one of the following criteria:
Raised $10M+ in funding (in the previous 3 years)
Annual revenue of $5M+
Had an exit of $10M+
Currently valued at $50M+ (CXOs welcome to apply)
What cities is Offline currently in?
Our membership is currently active in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, and Dubai.
If you are not based in these cities but can commit to attending the monthly pod meetings and most social events in-person, please do apply. If you are unable to do so at this time, please select other as your city and we will be in touch with you when there are plans to build a virtual community, too. As of now, we are offline.
What is the application process?
If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill out our quick application form online. If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria, we will get in touch with you to schedule a brief online interview for 30 minutes to get to know you better and answer any questions that you may have. We will let you know about the status of your application within a week after your interview.
How can I check on the status of my application?
If you have any questions on the status of your application, please email members@offline.club.
What’s included in the Offline membership?
Benefits at Offline have been designed to address major areas of growth in our members’ lives, both professionally and personally.
A membership at Offline includes:
Pod meetings: A pod is a highly curated core group of 6-8 members who will meet once a month in their city at a beautiful venue. Each session will be around 2.5-3 hours and will be facilitated by an executive coach. We have built a playbook with themes for each session working closely with the country's leading executive coaches, with advice and inputs from Georgia Dienst of the Mochary Method. We design pods so that there are no directly competing businesses. There is no solicitation or pitching allowed within our membership at any time. Pods are curated based on company size, sectors, city and founder experience.
Unique social events: Monthly social events are out of the box experiences for our members that explore culture in all its forms. There will be events themed around art, music, food, dance, etc. These will happen once a month, with at least one event per quarter in the local city of each member (and for the rest they're welcome to fly out and attend).
Speaker/workshop series: We will bring the most sought after names to host talks and workshops once a quarter, across a variety of subjects. These will happen in person and will take place in Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi on a rotating basis.
Digital community: An online community for instant advice/answers/help by reaching out to the full membership base. This is also the platform for members to reach out to other members one-on-one and explore the membership directory. The Offline team will always be available to facilitate introductions to other members and help with any membership related areas. Our weekly newsletter, The Offline Post, will provide exclusive insights that come from Offline experiences, introduce new members and provide updates on all upcoming events and activities at Offline.
Exclusive brand perks: Everything from discounts, to invite-only experiences, to early access, to freebies through our brand partnerships and collaborations. We will continue to expand our list of perks for our members as we grow.
Annual retreat: An annual gathering of the best minds in technology with a hint of art and culture, that members can access at a discounted price. The aim of this gathering is to explore the unexplored and lesser discussed topics in a safe and off-the-grid format. And not to mention, have fun!
Do I have to attend the pod meetings and social events?
We expect our members to attend a minimum of 10 pod meetings out of 12; however, we strongly suggest attending all. We highly recommend attending our social events and would be delighted if you could make it to the ones in your city, at least once a quarter. Commitment is one of our core values.
What are Offline’s core values?
We’re bound by the founder code: There’s a reason why our monthly pod sessions are called off-the-record. Each member signs a strict privacy pledge.
Commitment is in our DNA: When you give Offline your 100%, you get that and more back. We highly encourage you to make your monthly pod meetings a priority.
Growing fast and slow: ‘How can I help?’ is our favourite ice-breaker. Learn, share and never stop striving for collective growth.
Great minds think offline: No matter your gender, culture, or beliefs, if you’ve got a burning desire to flip the status quo, we’d like nothing more than to go Offline with you.
High stakes - high standards: Striving towards your personal and professional growth is non-negotiable at Offline. Expect frequent executive coaching on leadership and ethics.
What is the membership fee at Offline?
The annual fee for standard membership is ₹5,50,000 with a one-time registration fee of ₹1,00,000, exclusive of taxes.
How do I become a Founding Member?
Founding membership is available to 50 members and is by invite-only.
Do you offer any discounts?
In the spirit of fairness and equality, we do not provide discounts to anyone.
How can I partner or collaborate with Offline to offer member perks?
Please write to us with details of your brand and proposed collaboration to members@offline.club.
We will only respond to the ideas we are able to move forward with.